Originally Posted By: Shotgunjones
As far as Walker... which blue states turn red with his nomination?

Ummm, Wisconsin for one? Hopefully a few others who now see that "Hope and Change" was a failure and a lie.

As far as employee health care costs being borne by the consumer being the same as a tax, the consumer has a choice whether or not to buy a product, but a taxpayer is obligated or penalized regardless.

The biggest problem with the entire Health Care debate was that no one took the time to understand or ask why Health Care costs ballooned at 2 1/2 to 3 times the rate of inflation for decades.
Throwing more money at it, whether taxpayer funded or consumer driven, has not solved the problem. Costs are still rising, and the people who have been forced to buy ObamaCare are finding that they have huge deductibles and fewer services. There is no free lunch except for those who are already getting taxpayer subsidized freebies. Money has merely been moved around and working people will get less for more while non-working people will get more for less. ObamaCare is nothing but wealth AND health redistribution.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.