Originally Posted By: SKB
Sure I do Craig. I see the same in North Korea....

....the true reason for us going to war, do you feel that the public should have been told or you OK with the WMD story?....

....contribute to the feeling in the mid-east that the USA is promoting imperialism for its own benefit?

What can we do better as country? lets look real hard at last weekends quote by Mr. Paul again.

"I do think diplomacy is better than war."

That would be an excellent place to start.

North korea is an example I had thought about, relative peace and stability for some sixty years....by planting a US military base on the DMZ. What a waste eh, but then again maybe preferable to letting Gen. Mac. roll into china, then again maybe a huge mistake not to let him roll.

WMD's, inconvenient, but they're there and some are accounted for. Is it enough, maybe not, but it's a reason that has been shown to be true, even if not agreeable with the left or right.

I'm not too worried about what the world 'thought' about us. Do you think they'd attack NY, oh wait a minute they had already done that. Best scenario, it's the video.

If you look back, as distasteful as it is, the un, meaning the negotiators that can fix anything, passed umpteenth resolutions against iraq with a truck load of negotiating. You're not putting words in my mouth that diplomacy shouldn't be tried first, or second, or third, etc. Do you have an answer for when's enough. Paul's an isolationist at all cost, he probably wouldn't let English doubles ship.