Originally Posted By: SKB
WWII, sure you will get those kind of answers. Iraq? Much less likely. It is pretty hard to see how Iraq was a real threat to us here in the U.S.A. and it is also quite obvious that the Iraq war was a mistake and a total waste of resources and lives.You can try to re-frame it anyway you like but it always comes out the same.....We should never went in to Iraq and it will forever be a stain on the Bush(shrub that it) administration's legacy.

Well, here's Stevie again, still fighting the Iraq war and those who took us there. Does Stevie understand that the greatest "...waste, the waste" is the total waste of lives and resources that resulted when we pulled out prematurely and simply allowed everything we fought for to fall back into the hands of Islamic Extremists under the control of Iran?

Does anyone think that Stevie will hold the same kind of grudge against Hillary Clinton in 2016 that he has for the "Shrub"? Because as you can see here, Hillary, John Kerry, Chuck Schumer, Barbara Boxer, Harry Reid, and a slew of other Dumbocrat Senators voted Yes on the Resolution to authorize Bush to invade Iraq.

Following is an alphabetical listing by state of how each senator voted on President Bush's Iraq resolution. A "yes" vote was a vote to grant President Bush the power to attack Iraq unilaterally. A "no" vote was a vote to defeat the measure. Voting "yes" were 29 Democrats and 48 Republicans. Voting "no" were 1 Republican, 21 Democrats, and 1 Independent.


I'll bet Stevie will hold his nose and vote for the anti-2nd Amendment Lady Hillary Clinton, because that's what Libtard gun owners who can't think for themselves do.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.