Leave it to the King to pretend not to recognize the biggest socialist in the world, George Soros.....that leaves an opportunity to defend a fellow socialist.
George Soros: socialist, biggest donor to extreme far left organizations and extreme far left Democratic politicians, meddles in the economy of countries in order to profit from it, vehemently anti-gun, anti-second amendment elitist, primarily responsible(through his anti-gun pit bull Rebecca Peters)for England and Australia's ridiculous gun laws, and probably the biggest danger to freedom in any country he pours money into.
But, what do you expect from someone who, as a teenager, aided the Nazis in exposing and rounding up Jews? Soros is Jewish, but was allowed to keep the possessions of any Jewish people he turned in to the Nazis. That he was not considered a war criminal was probably due to his age and that the facts did not come out until many years later when he admitted to his actions. Too bad the Mossad don't have him on their hit list.