Originally Posted By: ed good
he who starts threads calling for the banishment of another is a trolling, baiting, whiner...

Originally Posted By: AmarilloMike
You misunderstand my intent ed. As you are a true master of baiting and trolling, you know that the purpose of those activities is to engage another person in an argument and provoke them so the troll can respond with personal attacks. And the troll doesn't give a damn about the subject of the argument, he just wants to antagonize and anger someone into arguing. With this thread, I am making a serious and diligent effort to get you banned from this BBS permanently. I have considered how best to do it. And then thought it over and over again. This is how I decided to proceed. Whether I succeed or not, your permanent banishment is the purpose and the goal I am pursuing in this thread.

I am glad to be here.