I see you deleted the above post from the NYT-WMD thread, and moved it here. I'll paste my reply to you here...

Why do you wish to change the subject and move on to many of the wild-assed things that King says here which are unverifiable?
How many times has your boy doubted something and demanded "Proof please"? ... the same proof that he virtually never gives... save the odd Wikipedia reference? You are free to characterize my actions as stalking or mugging. You would be wrong. You don't have any clue what walk I've walked, because I have not squawked about it as King has. If King told you he walked on the moon and had a Congressional Medal of Honor, would you believe it just because he said so? Would you expect me to believe it as well? If I checked out the claims and found nothing, would I be justified in questioning them? Had I found anything of substance initially, my curiosity would have quickly been satisfied. What I do know is that when I did searches of some of King's contemporaries who were of much lesser journalistic stature... at least according to him... there were many more search results. If that doesn't suggest something to you, you may be even dumber than I think.

Here's a little story I once told here that you may have missed. I'll try to keep it short. I used to work with an older guy who frequently went on and on about his WWII service record. He claimed to have been Gen. Douglas McArthurs personal radioman. He claimed he was just outside the frame of the photo of the Marines raising the flag on Iwo Jima. He spoke of hand to hand combat with the Japs. He claimed he knew the Japs surrendered even before McArthur did, because he took the radio message. He claimed to have opened the first whorehouse in Tokyo after the war. Some of the other guys used to question him and mock him. They asked him if he ran the first customers of his whorehouse off by hand since he didn't have any girls. They questioned his wild claims and he got pissed and even more adamant about his heroic record. I myself never commented. He was older and I respected that.

Some years later, I asked my Dad how much older this guy was than him, since I knew they grew up a literal stone's throw apart. My Dad told me they were only a couple months apart and would have graduated together if my old co-worker had not flunked fourth grade. I said, "Then he couldn't have possibly fought in WWII?" and Dad said, "Hell no, we were about 13 years old when WWII ended. He did join the Army when I went into the Air Force, but I'm pretty sure he never left the States. He was a radio repairman, not a radioman. Why? What'd he tell you?"

I told my Dad about some of the daring heroics he'd related. To tell him all of what he had claimed would have taken literally days. I guess it was all the more heroic considering he was fighting Japs at age 12 or 13. Dad rolled his eyes and told me he always was different while they were growing up. He said that when all of the other kids were hunting, fishing, playing football, or baseball, etc., my ex co-worker would usually be off by himself dreaming up wild assed stories.

Then there was an ex-boss of mine who swore he got picked up by a gust of wind while carrying a 4' x 8' sheet of plywood on the roof of a seven story apartment building in Pittsburgh. He told us he carefully steered it to a perfect landing between a city bus and a police car on Liberty Ave. in rush hour traffic. Amazing!

Then there's a guy where I currently work who claims to have sat atop a 220 cu. ft. oxygen tank and snapped the neck off with a sledge hammer and rode the tank across the Ohio River to Kentucky. Same guy claims that he saved his town from certain destruction by driving his Chevy truck into the path of an approaching tornado and breaking up the funnel cloud. Wow!

The last two guys, I confronted. I threw the Bullshit Flag. They both got very pissed at me. Tough shit.

I'm telling you the same thing. Tough Shit. You can believe all the bullshit you want to swallow. I won't.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.