I recall a couple of years ago, King mentioned he was a friend of MLK and attended his Nobel Peace Award in Sweden. You mined the internet and found no photo of King in Oslo. You interpreted this to be either a lie or exaggeration. A CBC youtube video was found of King interviewing MLK and you wrote that MLK never looked at him indicating that he couldn’t be a friend. King said he knew Jackie Kennedy. You once again mined the internet and found no photo. You interpreted that to be either a lie or exaggeration. You have repeatedly stalked him in this forum and on the internet. King is 84 years old with what appears to have been one helluva run and continues to be active in his community and for what we know in both good mental and physical health. He hunts and fishes. I give him credit for “walking the walk”. I would punch my life ticket right now to be guaranteed to have the run he has had so far. You on the other hand “sqwauk and sqwauk”I wouldn’t stand by and watch a thug mug an 84 year-old man on the street, I’m not going to stand by and watch you shamelessly, repeatedly and cowardly mug him on this forum. I don’t pick my friends for their political beliefs. I sure didn’t pick my wife for her gun rights beliefs. I would share a drink or a foxhole with King. Based on what I know about you and your forum persona—not so fast.…. King may play the “punk’s game”, but he is no “punk”. You on the other hand play the “coward’s game” and act like both a “punk” and a “coward”.

Keith, the cowardly klown:

He said he dined with Jackie O. did King Brown
I’ve mined the internet, no photo to be found
My internet search confirmed through spying
That with no 50 year-old photo, he’s got to be lying
Hissed keith our doublegun kowardly klown.

Still holding that $10 for Dave!
Your name and address posted, please.