Seriously, I'm not looking for substantially beefed up security. These are extremely difficult situation to avoid without dramatic curtailment of the openess of our society and government.

What I would like to see are some small changes. For example, I think our Honour Guard should have bullets to go with their gun.

Both radicals had their passports revoked to stop them from going overseas to fight on behalf of ISIS. Why revoke it? Why stop them? Let them go, then revoke the passport and charge then with treason if they ever try to return.

I meant what I said about unmarked graves and pigs blood yesterday. I meant what I said about making every effort to kill them when they engage in these activities. Every effort should be made to NOT have a trial.

The media should exercise restraint about glorifying these individuals. We don't need to have the right to know. I would rather the media's ability to publicize the event and perp be limited than the rest of us have our freedom curtailed.

I don't believe we should refer to them as terrorist or jihadists. They are wacko thug bully killers. They are criminals and by their actions they forfeit any rights normally conferred upon Canadian citizens.

Those are the modest changes I would wish to see.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia