Originally Posted By: italiansxs
IMO: We're losing sight of the main issue here.
Canada has just experienced another Muslim terrorist attack!
What are they planning to do about it?

I suspect that King Brown and his imaginary friend John F. Kennedy are preparing to set sail on the PT-109 to go to Iraq and Syria to take out ISIS. Stern lectures on civility and sustainable forestry practices will teach them not to mess with us.

Seriously, I suspect that Canada's Prime Minister and Parliament will take this threat a lot more seriously than Obama, who can't even bring himself to utter the words Islamic Terrorism, and who continues to define even worse acts of Islamic Terror in the U.S. as workplace violence.

The Sergeant At Arms who shot the Muslim creep, Kevin Vickers, was given a standing ovation in Parliament today. He wasn't kept away under paid administrative leave after a shooting, and he appeared quite composed yesterday, still carrying his pistol after killing the terrorist. A Good Guy with a gun took out a bad guy with a gun. Looks like Wayne LaPierre was right after all! So far, there has been no looting or rioting by other Muslims who are claiming that the shooting was not justifiable. But Jesse Jackson and Rev. Al Sharpton may arrive soon to rile them up.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.