Keith, it's not just the Left engaged in the war. You fight it regularly here. We are all engaged in it.

Steyn's point and it's one I agree with, is that by any objective measure, the Left is running away with it. Sure, there have been some modest victories on our side....the CC laws for example. But in the grand scheme of things we almost might as well pack up and admit defeat. This goes way beyond guns. It's the nanny state, in every guise.

I don't get my shirt in a knot about the leftist rantings of King or Ed on this forum because I have come to the conclusion this is a useless place to be fighting the battles. The only place I KNOW to be a better place is in the mind of my child. Sure, give money to the NRA. It's not bad, but it's just a band aid. If thing are really going to change then the right needs to get way more ambitious then it has been.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia