First off Jim, The Star is a commie leftist rag, as ridiculous and then some as anything put out by MSNBC. If you want a more balanced understanding of Canadian news, (that's a big if, LOL) read the Globe and Mail or the National Post. One is centerist, the other a bit right, neither an apologist for any group.

Second, glad the radical is dead.

Third, glad Prime Minister Harper (through his subordinates) and all of our media immediately acknowledged the Muslim radical/IS connection. Not pretending it is something else as was the case with the Fort Hood shooter and others in the US.

Fourth, when we are called out as a nation, specifically, as we were by IS, to be a target of attacks, including and specifically by using a car to run people down, none of us expected to be spared.

King's insecurity about Canadians, Canada and its institutions, as exemplified by his constant need to tout even our dubious achievements, notwithstanding, I am pleased to see we have handled this affair reasonably well to date. Lunatic attacks, local police shoot to kill.

Might have something to do with taking place in Quebec. Their carefully cultivated sense of racial superiority known as "pur laine", french for pure wool, denoting the purity of one's bloodlines, leaves them with little patience for the foolish activities of "others". LOL

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia