Originally Posted By: King Brown
Good move, Jim: Letting go if you can't find a source to support your claim "the New York Times admitted Iraq had WMDs after all."

Kurds and Americans suffered horribly from chemicals, fertilizer and diesel fuel in Oklahoma and airborne cylinders of jet fuel in NYC.

Those tragedies were described as genocide, terrorist attacks and crimes against humanity but the means never specifically as WMD.

CHemical weapons by defintion and as recognised by the UN....are considered WMD's. They were found years ago months after we went into Iraq.

A number of publications DID report it back then....but the left refused to believe anything but offical Party Propaganda distributed by Pravda ( currently known as the NYT and Washington COMmpost)

WHat proof more do you need this is the NYT OWN webiste.


IF you bleived them before...you better believe them now...lest you be a hypocrit by believing only what you want when it agrees with what you believe.

I've been saying the proof was already known long before I even joined this site. Now the lefty press is finally admitting it publically that they were lying all along.

Last edited by boneheaddoctor; 10/16/14 10:44 PM.

The liberals are asking us to give Obama time.
We agree, and think 25 to life would be Appropriate.