Again, Dave, I was responding to Ken's "no improvement" with "US looking pretty good today," followed by the facts of Wednesday's S&P 500 and second-quarter above all expectations. A snapshot but an improvement.

Iraq was a mistake acknowledged by your generals. Bush's superpower warning "If you're not with us you're against us," sucked in a "coalition of the willing" except for Canada which forecast accurately another debacle like Vietnam.

Canada stayed out of Vietnam because the US "domino theory" made no sense. We don't always come when US crooks its fingers as others do. Yes, the US people wanted in for Iraq, then out for which Obama complied, and now in again with public support after beheading of a couple reporters.

Canada, with a relatively high number of jihadists with IS---apparently more per capita than the US---has its special forces in Iraq and is considering Obama's request for F-18s in role similar to the Libya air war which it commanded (even though that democracy ploy turned out as badly as Iraq).

All countries make mistakes, Dave. Iraq should temper your criticism of Obama who on the evidence so far will never visit on the American people an unwarranted tragedy like 4,500 dead, 11,000 wounded and a trillion dollars.