Originally Posted By: King Brown
We could get rid of all public services, put them up for bids in the open market, pay for their costs plus profits, and create an authentic class of takers. Is that it? Societies everywhere are against it.

Reading a Salvation Army publication the other day mentioning its goals and philosophy, I wasn't surprised to read a simple declaration that this much-respected organization "shuns the dependancy culture."

No one likes or wants an unwarranted dependancy ethos. Yet it continues to be attached here regularly and unintelligently to public services, particularly to citizens who make or made a lifetime career commitment to serving us.

To think I almost missed this post. Of course public employees compensated at higher levels than the Free Market are sociopathically entitled welfare cases. THAT is the only way to view it "intelligently". Of course it is an intentionally-created "dependency ethos", no different than any other involuntary exchange of goods and services forced upon free and equal citizens who are forced to pay for it. It is only your sociopathically unconstitutional statist religious beliefs that rationalize this. Pushing the fantasy that government employees are somehow sacrificing their lives, implying that they are in some way victims, is preposterous. Since they are compensated considerably higher than the free market due to political favoritism, your point is anti-intellectual at best, and is really more like a sociopathic statist religious fantasy.

I prefer wood to plastic, leather to nylon, waxed cotton to Gore-Tex, and split bamboo to graphite.