Originally Posted By: ed good
bonehead: none of the objects of potential harm that you list above, can be readily utilized to commit murder on the scale and at the speed that can be achieved with the mis use of semi auto firearms...

I dunno ed, a score of Saudis killed 2900 Americans using boxcutters.

The Santa Barbara mass murderer killed three with machetes and three with Glocks.

The Navy Yard shooter killed twelve with a pump shotgun. Some of his shooting victims were cops armed with semi-autos.

Then there are the pressure cookers stuffed with 4th of July firecracker powder.

And if you and other like minded citizens are successful in getting semi-autos outlawed I don't think being limited to revolvers, pumps, lever actions and doubles with ejectors are going to slow the crazies down much.

People, once they set their mind to it, are very cunning killers, regardless of their resources.

I am glad to be here.