Originally Posted By: King Brown
I admire much of what Christians believe and do and participate in their work. I don't believe all of it so call myself an atheist.

Ken61, it sounds like the Burger King is more like one of those Cafeteria Catholics much like Ted Kennedy or Joe Biden. They chose the parts they liked but supported Liberal Democrat sacraments like abortion.

King says that "everyone is responsible to everybody for everything", but he doesn't practice what he preaches. He sure as hell hasn't taken in any poor Africville negroes or Indiginous Indians. He hasn't offered to take in any poor Central American illegal aliens either. What he has to offer, as you have observed, is support for Liberal Left anti-gun politicians who confiscate the wealth and time of productive people, and redistribute it to Welfare Queens in exchange for their votes. To somehow connect this with Christianity is indeed a symptom of mental illness, or at least a very dishonest interpretation. Dishonesty is King's favorite tool, and being a pathological liar is also a form of mental illness. So it seems we have a diagnosis. Do you think he was born that way, or that maybe someone mistook him for a baby seal and whacked him on the head during a seal hunt?

Last edited by keith; 08/30/14 03:28 PM.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.