I remember Bush standing on the pile of 9-11 rubbel and saying on National T.V. that WE would not stop until we cut the head off this snake and the WHOLE POPULATION cheered..........he DID what he said he would do.......but Americans have a short memory, a very short memory, so do Canadians.

Now this current "Know Nothing Magic Negro" for some reason thinks this is the "Kings Army"........well, we have news for him, it IS NOT the Kings Army to do with as he pleases.......

Do you remember the "Highway of Death" and our forces only stopped because of UN requests at the time, knowing full well that they should have continued all the way to Baghdad.

All familiar with the conflict knew we would return to complete the job at a later date......and we did. I guess we could have sat back and watched the genecide as it was ramped up. So now the genecide starts all over again in the void and we go back for seconds and thirds and more, understand...?....

What poll, taken by who, where and of whom. The polls I saw showed a 50/50 split for as long as I can remember. A poll is only as accurate as the segment of society that are polled, you know that....you repeatedly retreat to "this poll and that poll" King......a poll can be made to show anything desired and you also know that.
