If I brushed you off, it wasn't my intention, Craig. What would be the point? The part of your message I didn't answer was about your musing of an ask to a black to not loot. It's moot, isn't it? Blacks are principal looters in black communities as whites are in mostly white communities from my experience.

As for disarming race-baiters, when a person makes a racist joke in my presence, I say "Craig, that's a racist joke." In my family, among friends, in public, it doesn't matter. Naming things changes things, forcing us to come to grips with it. I call racist remarks whenever I hear them. It's all we can do.

Naming things is critically important. We read and hear references to ISIS as insurgents, militants, Islamic freedom fighters when we should be downgrading them in public consciousness as pure evil, idiots and nutters. The US may get international support to wipe them out when we do.

The West's tolerance of evil and corruption knows no bounds. IS is pure evil. The US could stamp it out in a day as a searing example to extremists. It cant happen without allied consensus. UK and Europe were saved from pure evil by the colonials and communists 70 years ago. Wheres their Churchill now?

Where are the right words to rally the civilized world?