Canada's death Panels

Well, fast-forward to March 2011 in Canada land of Obamas dream of nationalized health care and the debate over the use of the drug Herceptin in the treatment of breast cancer in young women. When 34-year-old mother of two Jill Anzarut went to the press and Facebook to advocate for the drug, which is being denied to her by the Ontario Ministry of Health, our (Liberal) Health Minister chose to respond with jaw-dropping honesty:

We cannot have a health system where the stories that land on the front page of the paper determine our health-care policy. It would be unfair to those who do not get their stories on the front page if we were to give priority to those who do.

With these 49 words, Deb Matthews exposes what Palin was so presciently warning about: that nationalized health care ends up becoming about turf-protection, central control, dehumanization of individuals, and a monopoly on health service rationing to a clique of masters of the universe who end up thinking their number-crunching degrees in epidemiology give them moral license to determine who deserves to live and die.

NO THANKS-NOT here in America !

We, America had the BEST health care in the world,and will again once the lame duck obama (if he does not step down before his term is over)is done Obamacare will be gutted when the Senate flips and be gone by 2016.

Hillary For Prison 2018