Originally Posted By: ed good
whoo keith...struck a nerve did i?

Nope. I'm pretty much immune to your inane commentary ed. Didn't I start my response with the words: "ed, your comments are pretty stupid... predictably."? Nothing you say here strikes a nerve with me anymore. I pretty much know that I am about to read something dumb when I see you or Jagermeister made a post. What strikes a nerve is when either of you say something intelligent. That happens so infrequently that it's always a shock.

Jim, I realized a long time ago that our resident Libtards don't use their brains before they post. I don't think most of them even approach average intelligence. They are only here to parrot Liberal Left Socialist Democrat dogma. The evidence of the abject failure of that system piles up around them and is plain to see, but they are in complete denial. They support it. They vote for it. They are ultimately responsible for the mess.

I thought it was very telling that the Obama administration protested the airing of the convenience store security video that showed the "nice young man Michael Brown" committing a strong arm robbery just minutes before he was confronted by the police officer. Too bad the store owner didn't have a gun to kill this cockroach before he met the police officer. Even the peaceful protesters have screwed up priorities for supporting this criminal. In all liklihood, had he lived, he would have just went on to victimize some of them as well. Indirectly, we're all victims of these types because we have to pay the enormous societal costs of their criminal lives including police, courts, incarceration, parole, increased prices, etc.

This is nothing more than a blatant attempt at hiding the truth about him, and it is no different than the Soviet style propaganda that was fed to the people there.

Jim, I continue to reply to idiots for the same reasons that you continue to post links and stories that illustrate the disgusting truth behind this corrupt regime. When people like you, and I, and Doug, craigd, J.R.B., Ken61, Dave K., etc. get so fed up that we decide to quit fighting, the Libtards like King, Jagermeister, SKB, OWD, ed, nca225, homer, etc., will win... and our children and grandchildren will lose and suffer.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.