We had a better system that worked quite well for almost 200 years. It was our Constitutional Republic. Not perfect, but it was a whole lot better than the massive failures of the Great Society, and the ability to bribe an ignorant majority into voting en masse into slowly destroying their nation.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Jim, are you sure Protestants voted en masse against Kennedy in 1960? I was with him in the primaries--- Americans believing a Catholic would take his orders from a pope attracted world-wide attention---when he broke through in Wisconsin and next in heavily Protestant (97 per cent?) West Virginia with 60 per cent of the vote.

King, why can't you admit that you weren't "with" JFK when he made his run for the White House? You try to make it sound like you were an advisor, press secretary, or confidant to him. There must be some photo of you having lunch dates with Jackie Kennedy... why don't you show us one you bloviating resume inflating fool? You were just one of thousands of reporters who covered that event. You got no closer to him than thousands of other reporters who got to ask a question or take a photograph. You were nothing but a mid-level field reporter for the CBC when its' total market was smaller than most large U.S. cities. Not even close to a Peter Jennings or Morely Safer. I saw a video of your short interview with your good buddy Dr. Martin Luther King. He was dispassionate and his body language was quite distant and aloof to you. Hardly a discussion of Civil Rights between good pals. From that contact, it appears you invented a relationship similar to the one John Hinkley created in his sick mind with Jodie Foster. Why did you quit so early in your illustrious career if you were so great? Enquiring minds want to know. And no, West Virginia wasn't 97% Protestant at the time, but at least you covered your lie with a question mark. Who do you think you're fooling King?

You were "with" JFK like I was "with" Clinton or Romney or Paul Ryan. I attended their rallies... yelled at Clinton and held up a protest sign concerning his anti-gun attitudes...got to ask Ryan a question... but was no closer to them than thousands or even millions of other folks who followed the campaigns.

What a complete fraud you are. Why, I'll bet you think you were at Woodstock too... just because you happened to be in the Northern Hemisphere at the time.

Woodstock, I might believe, because you sound like someone who spent the entire time in the LSD overdose tent.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.