"Tying up the government for the next two years" is a perfectly acceptable and Constitutional strategy which comes under the Founders Separation of Powers, and the rationale they had in forming a tripartate government. The people have every right to tie the hands of a branch of government which has run amok. But they don't have the right to vote multiple times, a fact that the liar from Nova Scotia will never admit.

For Conservatives to win back the Senate and maintain a majority in the House would forestall a lot of the "Fundamental transformation of the United States" that King finds so appealing. Of course, we could still expect Obama to ram through as much Liberal Socialistic unconstitutional crap as he can via Executive Orders. Obama and King both lie about our "do-nothing Congress". There are at least 195 House bills stalled in the Senate that Democrat Harry Reid won't allow being brought up for a vote. Obama and the Democrat controlled Senate have been the greatest impediment to any bipartisan accomplishments.

I'll bet the Burger King didn't see any problem when Obama and the Democrats had the majorities in the House, Senate, and also held the White House. There was no spirit of compromise or willingness to work with the other side. They just rammed through a very flawed ObamaCare... but not much else. They could have, and should have, done so much more in the midst of a severe recession that Democrats caused. But they spent too much time carving out ObamaCare exemptions for their Union cronies and feathering their own nests.

That bring us to another point. It could be understood that blacks voted overwhelmingly for Obama the first time, thinking he might understand their needs and right some wrongs, real or imagined. But all he did was to placate them with more Welfare as he screwed their collective eyes out. He spent more time working on a new constituency, the illegal aliens and Hispanics, than he did helping blacks. Keeping illegals here and permitting millions more to come in during a severe recession only injured the blacks and their families by creating competition for very scarce jobs. Black unemployment was still over double that of the rest of the population when the dumb-asses went back to the polls in 2012 and re-elected him... not because of anything good that he did for them (unless you call being kept on the Democrat Welfare Plantation good)... they re-elected him in the same large numbers because they were racist and saw any black man, even an incompetent liar, as a better choice than a white Mormon successful ex-governor and businessman. Many of them voted for him multiple times.

I agree completely with Ken61 that excessive taxation to support a Welfare State for purely political ends, and income redistribution, is just another form of involuntary servitude or slavery... something that King Brown will never acknowledge, and something that he would not stomach if the same cancer affected his Canada in his lifetime.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.