Originally Posted By: canvasback
Now, I'm not much of one for making deals with the left (despite your belief that I may, Keith) but I'm all for making deals with my more moderate fellow conservatives to ensure a CONSERVATIVE government gets elected.

THAT...gets to the root of what I, and others, have been saying for about the last 6 or 7 pages. I know it's not you James! The problem we have is a small number of so-called gun guys like SKB who bend over backwards and swear up and down that they are moderates, Independants, or even Conservative in their leanings... but they continually attempt to push the Libtard agenda and provide cover for Liberal Left candidates and dogma. We can't deal with these types because they are constantly working to make certain that a Conservative government never gets elected. Even when they act like they are trying to help, you can bet the help is meant to weaken you. You can see the "Hope and Change" bumperstickers on their Prius from 1000 miles away and even over the internet. But they will go on-and-on in denial... to the point where they will ignore you, or hurl the same kind of insults that they constantly preach against.

But then it all comes pouring out like a tearful confession from a killer who is haunted by nightmares from his crime. We've seen the same thing before from OWD, Dave-in-Maine, etc. who deny supporting the extreme anti-gun politicians. Call them out on it and they go into full denial mode. But just go back and reproduce a quote from the past that proves they are liars and you become the enemy. At least most of them are smart enough to just disappear for awhile at that point. SKB (Lefty Stevie) just keeps making hard Leftist turns directly into the wall. Then he goes back and tries to appear centrist again before making yet another hard Leftist turn that shows his abject dishonesty.

Originally Posted By: canvasback
I mean really, how many of you knew border security is involved in casing out hunters at gun shows to catch them illegally taking out of the country a flat or two of shells. That's a hell of an administration you guys put in power! LOL

That's just the tip of the Liberal Left Democrat iceberg James... coming to, or at you from the "most transparent administration in history." This is what some of our so-called gun guys here voted for and still support. It's what your countryman King Brown pees his pants over, and calls 'Cerebral and Eloquent." You might be the lone voice of reason from Canada, but the Burger King drowns you out because he has nothing better to do than come here hundreds of times to use our First Amendment to undermine our Second Amendment and advance the Socialist Liberal Left Democrat agenda.

I'm proud to stand up and say I voted for Romney. Not by any means the perfect candidate, but absolutely the only rational choice left in November 2012. So-called gun guys like Lefty Stevie can't admit things like that. They have no courage of conviction. They are gutless, yet act like a rabid rat when backed into a corner. They go out of their way to conceal the fact that they support the very political philosophy that threatens our country AND our Right To Keep And Bear Arms! But they keep forgetting to scrape off that damn "Hope and Change" bumper sticker, and then get mad at me for pointing it out. What dicks!

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.