Originally Posted By: canvasback

Anyway, I have a question for Doug and Keith

What occurs to me is that to do that, you need a President other than Obama, you need senior politicians, those that drive the agenda, other than Reid, Pelosi, Clinton et al. You need the Republican Party AT FULL STRENGTH.

So how does that happen? Is it by belittling everyone who isn't pure of thought? This ain't religion. It's politics....the art of the possible. My view from a distance say that the GOP lost because too many potential supporters felt Romney wasn't the right guy....wasn't pure enough. Not that too many people voted for Obama.

James, this is what prompted my post... especially the sentence, "Is it by belittling everyone who isn't of pure thought?"

I agree completely that we Conservatives did not do enough to energize the base and get out the vote, which allowed Obama to slip back in with less votes than the Republican had in 2008. Multiple Republican candidates brutalized each other throughout a long primary battle, and the Liberal Press trumpeted every difference while basically canonizing one candidate and refusing to properly vet his many deficiencies. The same is likely to happen again in 2016 where Hillary has already been essentially crowned, and even the incumbent VP has no chance of moving up to the top spot. Meanwhile, at least a half dozen Republicans are already entering the fray. And none is another Ronald Reagan reincarnate. I agree with Doug that a lot of folks couldn't be bothered to support a Mormon businessman, and they allowed an inept Muslim Community Organizer to slide back in to do second term damage. But the misrepresentation of his 47% comment by the Press and the DNC, along with his reluctance to go for the throat about Benghazi in the third debate likely sealed his fate. He had the momentum and blew a late fourth quarter lead. The number of Republicans who stayed home is especially important when you need sheer numbers to overcome massive vote fraud!

We have our work cut out for us, both in 2014 and 2016. Millions of Democrat Sheeple will follow the Leftist Media and the DNC, marching in lockstep past the ruins of a once great nation, to again pull the lever... multiple times if they can get away with it... for even more Liberal Left Anti-Gun Socialists. So-called gun guys like SKB will be right there with them!

This is why I spend so much time here and at home and work exhorting folks who say they see our nation going in the wrong direction to get off their ass and vote... join NRA... get involved... call, write, and e-mail legislators, etc. My neighbor is a staunch gun toting Conservative. But I got a post card sent to him from the County Board of Elections, inadvertantly put in my mailbox, that showed he had not been an active voter for the last 4 Presidential Elections. Sometimes, we can be our own worst enemies. And I still say that playing nice with Libtards is one of those times!

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.