Originally Posted By: canvasback

Anyway, I have a question for Doug and Keith (or anyone else who cares to chime in).

So how does that happen? Is it by belittling everyone who isn't pure of thought? This ain't religion. It's politics....the art of the possible. My view from a distance say that the GOP lost because too many potential supporters felt Romney wasn't the right guy....wasn't pure enough. Not that too many people voted for Obama.


When you have ignorant uneducated people who do not attempt to study their homework on candidates, like SKB here and the negro's looting in St. Louis as we speak, queers, pot smokers etc., they stay in lock step with the liberal party and no persuasion in the world will change their views. I think someone once pointed out on this board that a survey was taken in all the U.S. prisons across the country and it was shown that about 95% of the inmates were hard core liberal Democrats.....

These type of people "lie" in public about WHO THEY REALLY ARE and their liberal affiliation and are IMO a lost cause......This is why stupid people never admit who they voted for after the horse has left the county, not just the barn.....!......

On the other hand, intelligent Democrats and Republicans and Independents will choose a candidate for the betterment of this country rather than for personal gain and their hate for a sitting President, whether it is Bush, Obama or Clinton or Ronald Reagan. These intelligent people will do their home work and figure out what is best for this country LONG TERM and vote accordingly.

Intelligent people cannot be insulted politically because they know who they are and the difference between right and wrong, whether it be Democrats, Republicans, Independents etc.,....notice I did not say "libtards".....

The Magic Negro has performed so poorly that any intelligent people, will indeed, vote for someone of character and intelligence and for the betterment of this country long term.

Running a Conservative poster campaign in Harlem or the East side of St. Louis or pot smoking Colorado is pretty much a fruitless adventure and a waste of time. The massive migration to Colorado from California and other liberal states has destroyed what was once a nice conservative state.

Humans learn from doing. When the libtard left, who historically votes to damage themselves repeatedly, and is burnt bad enough, like many large ghetto ridden cities,THE INTELLIGENT ONES ONLY, shift to alternative politicians who can sustain damage control. This is why it is so often NOT successful...you just cannot fix stupid.

Again, the dummies of our society will never vote against their hand outs and freebies, you are wasting your breath. There are dummies here on this board who work on guns and helped to vote an anti second amendment politician into office, how dumb is that, basically shitting in your own nest...........

