And would someone please teach this illiterate Libtard, Lefty Stevie, the difference between the words "Your" and "You're". I guess that's asking a lot from someone who can't remember how to spell their own last name.

This stupidity... is coming from Lefty Stevie, a person who slings the word Moron around like a dead cat??? Talk about people who live in glass houses!

This Misfires is really enlightening sometimes. All these years, and I never knew how stupid Lefty Stevie really was.

Here's some more about the amount of Federal debt ran up by Bush and Obama from

But we still will have Lefty Stevie wanting to rub Doug's nose in Bush's debt while he ignores the red ink ran up by the Magic Negro he supports.

Doug made an excellent point, I thought when he pointed out the difference between Democrats and Republicans in where the debt money was spent. Both sides are stuck with certain entitlement spending like Social security and Welfare. One side cuts defense spending and diverts the savings to Welfare programs... the other side is then forced to spend massive amounts to rebuild what was destroyed. One side tries to rein in abuses so that programs like Social Security are secure and stable. The other side spends like drunk sailors and kicks the can of abuses, waste, and fraud down the road. The only goal is to buy the votes of self-destructive idiots. We're still waiting to see those shovel-ready jobs, but that money was pissed away on Welfare bums and illegal aliens.

If I made my living working on guns, I don't think I would want people to know that I support politicians who have a 100% anti-gun voting record and wish to destroy our Right to Keep and Bear Arms. But stupid people make bad business decisions all the time! Just my personal opinion.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.