Originally Posted By: Jagermeister

I looked over the list you have provided. It does seem to support what Bonny alluded to. One could easily include Mikey Bloomberg in that bunch.

Bonny didn't allude to anything you hydrocephalic chimp. He said that every gun control measure since WWII was introduced by Jews. That was a totally incorrect statement. I provided him several names of prominant gun controllers who are not Jewish, and a list containing the vote of every U.S. Senator who voted on Obama's gun control measures after Newtown. I never said there were no Jews on that list. There are more than a few. What percentage of black U.S. Senators voted in favor of more gun Control? But what stands out much farther than the number of Jews is the number of Liberal Democrats... you know... like the people you vote for.

You could include Mikey Bloomberg in that bunch... if he was a U.S. Senator. But he's not. At least not yet. He hasn't bought the votes of simpletons like you to get into the Senate.

Your response demonstrates why it would be a good idea to pass a Constitutional Amendment to require an I.Q. of at least 50 to vote.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.