So, what is the launching of thousands of missles and frequent terrorist attacks into Israel doing to change the attitudes of new generations in Israel?

It seems the Arabs and so-called "ordinary palestinians" who overwhelmingly voted to have a terrorist organization as their leaders could have chosen peaceful co-existance a long long time ago... but they chose another path... one which calls for and supports the total destruction of Israel. Sounds like the Israelis have a choice of self-defense or destruction. I wonder which you would choose if someone threatened to kill you and your family, and actually acted upon that threat?

And you did try to blame all of the gun control measures in the U.S. since WWII as the responsibility of Jews when you know damn well that it was almost totally Liberal Democrats. What conclusions should we draw from that little faux pas?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.