Agreed that Bush did a lot of harm to this country, mostly by trying to appease the Left that would hate him under any circumstance. And oh how they stabbed him in the back after his decision to go into Iraq... not to get any 9-11 planners... but to stop Saddam from blatantly violating U.N. sanctions. He had the support of 86% of the public and leading Democrats like Bill Clinton and John Kerry. But they turned on him just as they turned on his father, George H.W. Bush, when he went along with their request to increase taxes in spite of his "Read my lips..." pledge. That's where the spirit of bipartisanship gets you with a Liberal Democrat.

Originally Posted By: SKB
Must be tough for you, still trying to fit me into a little tiny box. You need to open that closed mind of yours just a little, it might scare you, but it will be good for you in the long run.

Steve, your tiny little box fits very well indeed. In spite of your little pro-NRA blurb a short while ago, you do indeed support and tow the Liberal line 100% of the time. You can say what you want, but it sure as hell ain't either Libertarian or Independant. We're not blind! You only pop in to counter Conservative thoughts. It's beyond obvious. Deep political thought on your part is hardly evident. Only Liberal Democrat partisanship. You can be in denial all you want, but any idiot can see through the dishonesty of what you are attempting to conceal about yourself and your purpose.

When we Conservatives espouse our views, we do a pretty good job of delineating our reasoning. We see what was very good for this country in the LONG RUN, like about 200 years, and what has happened in the last 50 years of Great Society Liberal Democrat failures. The many losses don't come close to offsetting the few gains. Our Canadian friend canvasback said it very well last week:

Originally Posted By: canvasback
There is a vast difference in the America of JFK, the Space Race and the Peace Corp, the outward looking, magnanimous nation of those times and the venal and self interested nation of today. Greatness does not exist in the Obama administration nor does it exist in the 45% of Americans dependant on the government to eat, house and clothe themselves. It last existed in America, as a nation, during the presidential terms of RR.

What's happening in this nation now is not good for anyone except race hustlers, Democrat politicians, and those who seek to destroy us. You really think your mind is so open and enlightened????... look around. Unless you're gay, an illegal alien, or on Welfare of some kind, there is little to celebrate. Was it so essential to have a black man in the White House that the only choice was a totally inexperienced inept drug abusing narcissistic Socialist liar who is 100% anti-gun 100% of the time? You seriously think Bush runs a close second to that? Are you telling us that Gore or Kerry would have been a better choice? No need to answer that... we already know more about you than you'll ever know about the extent of my travels.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.