
First of all, you are not old enough to know very much, this we understand. You could not have voted in more than two or three presidential elections...?...

None of your posts ever reflect "fair and balanced anything"...maybe you interpret words and sentence structure differently than the majority...?...Your posts are very one sided and show liberal tunnel vision.

I am glad you are a world traveler and are so knowledgeable about world politics, citizens of the planet and all the struggles associated with the human population. I for one do not think you are too bright and understand far less than you think you do.

I have traveled a little bit, but since you don't ever do your homework, you would not know that. As a retired Airline Captain with a Major Carrier I traveled to almost every corner of our fine planet for over 30 years, retaining many friends in many countries to this day. Serving as a Pilot in the U.S. Navy I served two tours in Viet Nam and flew a few combat sorties. None of this qualifies me for anything, other than understanding our home, The United States of America and what she stands for. Did you ever serve your country in the military, just curious even though I know the answer...?

You still probably know more than Keith, me, J.R.B., ISS, Stan or any of our fine MAJORITY gun loving second amendment types on this board, because that is "what YOU think"......

Most of us understand the other side, you and other liberals. What we don't understand is how you can and did support/vote for a President who is anti-gun, anti second amendment and has absolutely no experience whatsoever at anything.....?...You will deny your support, your vote, but being the obvious Bush hater you are, by the text in your posts and your attitude, your political choice is obvious to anyone that can read.

I for one, do not like people who voted to destroy our fine nation, whether for self worth, anti-Bush or any other reason. It reflects stupidity, period.
