That NRA gun is truly a work of art. I agree that the darkness is probably old patina. Now, I'd think twice about doing anything to a high grade gun in such high original condition. But, if it had been in poor condition, (such as my Hollenbeck) I'd want the restoration to be as close to factory original as possible. I'm certainly NOT going to attempt to create a 100 year old "patina" on my gun. But, as always, "To each his own". I can't but help wonder what that gun would look like if the barrels were in the same shape (contrast) as the ones DocDrew posted earlier.

Marsh Birds? We're thinking the same way. My Hollenbeck may very well replace my 16Ga Flues as my preferred Snipe gun. Since my cousin is set up for 12Ga reloading, he'll be able to load me some low pressure "Spreader" rounds.

DocDrew's response on barrels was pretty comprehensive, but I'm eagerly awaiting Tom's answer to see if he has anything to add.


Last edited by Ken61; 08/03/14 05:45 PM.

I prefer wood to plastic, leather to nylon, waxed cotton to Gore-Tex, and split bamboo to graphite.