Interview with Hamas defector

The interview which you can listen to here makes many important points. The one I think is most significant for Americans is Mr. Yousefs explanation that Hamas is not a nationalist political organization. Since the days of the Clinton administration, which means the early years of Hamas, it has been the practice of the United States government to portray Hamas as if, though a terrorist organization, it is just a local group with a local agenda akin to, say, the IRA. In point of fact, as Mr. Yousef details and as the Hamas charter corroborates, Hamas is and self-identifies as part of the global Islamic supremacist jihad. Its short-term goal is the destruction of Israel, but its aspirations are not limited to national boundaries drawn by the West it wants a global caliphate just like its parent organization, the Brotherhood, does; just like its once and future patron, Iran, does; and just like its sometime rival sometime collaborator, al Qaeda, does.

Hillary For Prison 2018