I've been reading occasionally but not posting to many of the threads in misfires these days. I'm extremely busy and posting well requires some thought to make sure I'm saying what I mean to say. Additionally IMHO misfires has recently become too much about Ed and King. I don't see everything through the lens of Ed and King nor do I want to. To be honest, I have found misfires boring lately.

So in a nutshell, I haven't had much to add, nor had much time to add it. I'm sure in the future I'll read something here that stirs my creative juices but in the meantime, I'm spending what time I do have when I'm home, fiddling with my guns in anticipation of the upcoming fall season.

I have three guns apart at the moment, with their wood sent off various places for repair and rehabilitation while I carefully inspect the metal for needed work and cleaning. As I said recently to the gentleman repairing two of the stocks....it's nice to get off TDC on these projects. And I just put the finishing touches on a planned quail hunt in the fall with good friends and some family.

How's that for getting off topic! grin

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia