
ed has told us that he merely skims what he reads... and it has become obvious that he cannot comprehend what he skims, or claims to skim.

I don't think he actually even looks at any links or proof we might take the time to provide for him. It is obvious that he has his preconceived anti-gun/anti-Second Amendment notions, and no amount of proof or logic is going to change his mind.

I dedicated this thread to King Brown's many anti-2nd Amendment statements, but this post from ed is just more proof that, while King is the major international player who puts forth the most effort to undermine our gun rights... he is not alone.

We have a number of anti-gun trolls. Nearly every gun forum does. It is important to identify them and neutralize their subversions. When they prosper, our rights become diminished.

As I said earlier today, no sense wasting a good and thoughtful reply on an anti-gun idiot! But I do appreciate the fact that ed is keeping my thread about King Brown's many anti-Second Amendment/anti-NRA statements at the top of the page. And he's reminding everyone that he is another of our anti-gun trolls. Great when a plan comes together.

His buddy King is likely hanging out with his new friends, the Koch Brothers, as he hopes this thread fades into obscurity. Well, it's not... thanks to ed. And when it does, I'll be there to add another of King's anti-Second Amendment quotes to bring it back to life!

Will that visionary, Dave W., who has done so much to promote the shooting sports and lawful ownership of firearms, come to King's rescue... or will he finally see that King and ed and a few other anti-gun/anti- Second Amendment/anti-NRA/anti-lead ammunition trolls are the antithesis of what he believes and loves?

What say you King? Want to ask him... or will you simply hope this all fades away as it always has?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.