Originally Posted By: King Brown
Craig, they're the National Post columnist's words, not mine. Columnists are paid to be provocative.

There's always been emphasis on the collective in my life. Where would society be without it?....

....As for journalists or journals spreading ideology....Should we blame voters who didn't like the hard-right Conservative platform, reporters or newspaper owners? GOP risks alienating a third of voters---ethnics and Hispanics--- with its immigration policy of resentment. Who's to blame for a three-peat---media for reporting it or voters who don't like it?

As for spreading ideology, there's more of it in the global mall of the Internet---as in Misfires---than in "mainstream news media."

On the first point, someone else's words, I thought I wondered out loud if the words were trivial or if 'you took some comfort in them'. Collective? It really is okay to pick out examples where groups work better than individuals. I believe another example that you brought up is the breakdown of the family. Were you sincerely lamenting, or backchanneling, 'it takes a village'.

Hmmm, internet bloggers, fickle voters are the truth. Quick question, who gets to travel on airfrc 1, who gets the whouse press corps passes. TV coverage, late night comedy shows and campaign infomercials are the 'access' to this fellow. Who gets to pick and choose tidbits, blend 'em up, and pour out pc smoothies for consumption.

Didn't we know the GOP would alienate yet someone else. By my calculations, we lost half due to the poor hating Romney, and another third because of race hatred. So, the R's should pull down 17% of the next presidential election vote? Where did the extras come from, that's a good double their base.

Heard a good radio story. Say I have a seven year old kid and drop them off at a Phoenix bus station with nothing, then take off. Unless, I was a single drug addicted 'woman', I'd be hunted down, branded and thrown in the slammer. If I were bo, I'd watch them, literally, walk a few feet across the Tx border. Thousands of minors with no parents stuck on a bus, what would make the bus driver think, hey I'll drive these kids to another state and just drop them off at a bus station, with nothing. How come the school bus driver would get fired for trying to pry five bullies off a terrified bloody student rather than follow union guidelines.

Who's supposed to ask the tough questions about these kids, or rather provocate about white kids and guns. I dunno King, hasn't 'progress' fixed the family.