Craig, they're the National Post columnist's words, not mine. Columnists are paid to be provocative.

There's always been emphasis on the collective in my life. Where would society be without it? NRA is a good example of one of most influential collectives in America. Our woodlot owners organization is another.

As for journalists or journals spreading ideology, the province of Ontario just returned a scandal-ridden spend-spend Liberal government although the country's newspaper of record, Globe and Mail in Toronto, endorsed the Conservatives.

Should we blame voters who didn't like the hard-right Conservative platform, reporters or newspaper owners? GOP risks alienating a third of voters---ethnics and Hispanics--- with its immigration policy of resentment. Who's to blame for a three-peat---media for reporting it or voters who don't like it?

As for spreading ideology, there's more of it in the global mall of the Internet---as in Misfires---than in "mainstream news media."