Originally Posted By: King Brown
....I posted as from another point of view, and took some comfort from it....

I suppose this would be the question.

What did I read? Well, I noticed, among many other adjectives, that a group is referred to as 'idiots'. When it comes to civility, how much better is that than 'libtard'.

I noticed there was some conclusion that the US and Canada were similar in some vague 'death by gun' stat. But, Americans have a perception problem and Canadians have 'em pegged right, thus gun control works, huh.

I'm not saying it should be, but are you sure the Canadian position is all that civil or tolerant. Are you drawing conclusions based on feelings rather than facts. Is it obligatory to advocate and demonize based on those feelings.

'Rapid decline of family values. I have no idea how it began'. Your old man sounds like a great Canadian patriot, and lived that way, but I believe you mentioned an early introduction to communist ideology. Was there any emphasis on the collective.

Also, I'd think a journalist would have a game plan on how ideology is spread. You know the standards we must fight the misogynists, racists, poor and sick haters, demonize faith, the military, glorify the single mom and the homosexual 'family'. It could be the will of the people, then again it may be the intentional strategy of a relatively few.

I personally don't mind being corrected and living with the correction. What makes the left figure, I don't care what's thrown at me, I'll come up with another justification or excuse.