Rainforest Alliance 2014 Sustainable Standard Setter Awards... click on the Rainforest Alliance link above and count 'em... there's ten total. One of them goes to NSLFFPA of which King is a co-coordinator. I wonder if the other co-coordinator is embellishing and tooting his own horn?

But more interesting is the rest of the story from the rival Nova Scotia Woodlot Owners and Operators Association which does not see widespread clearcutting and taking saplings as small as 1 1/2" in diameter to feed a 60 megawatt biomass power plant at the New Page Pulp Mill as environmentally responsible, "FSC certification or not." Read about what amounts to a unionized effort to do short rotation clear-cutting with a huge carbon footprint. There's worse slash and burn type forestry practices going on, but this doesn't sound very sustainable and sure isn't returning the Nova Scotia forests to Acadian pre-European old growth timberlands. But hey, even an old communist needs to make a living!


Congratulations on your embellishment, oops, I mean award King. Since you're are now making lame efforts to prove me wrong, maybe you'll show us what you personally have done to advance gun rights in your own country instead of working to screw up ours. Hope you didn't hurt your shoulder patting yourself on the back once again. Maybe you can get some more anti-Second Amendment pointers from ex-Mayor Bloomberg while you're in New York.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.