Mike and canvasback, You guys are the ones who naively expect that you might change King Brown, nca225, Dave-in-Maine, etc.

I never said I could change them. It's more than obvious that we can't. I don't even try... I just illuminate their lunacy, hypocrisy, and dishonesty whenever I have the time. I don't try to sugar coat anything either. These are grown adults who are moronic enough to believe that a politician like Obama, with a 100% anti-gun voting record as a state legislator and as a U.S. Senator, would not be a threat to our 2nd Amendment rights.

Either they are that stupid, or they are that dishonest and agenda driven, for they not only consistently support the anti-gun Liberal Democrats, they also attempt to convince other gun owners that they are not a threat.

James, when you talk about the success that the Democrats have had garnering supporters, you must acknowledge that they have done that by name-calling, hurling insults, mud slinging, telling total lies about good men like Mitt Romney. They preach about having civil discussions while they call you a racist, bigot, homophobic, woman hating, cretin. The guys you are trying to influence and win as friends are slicing your balls off and stabbing you in the back. Good luck with that.

I'll bet even ol' Dale Carnegie had his limits. I'd like to recommend the book that was written by his evil twin.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.