One of the key reasons Obama was reelected (besides successfully covering up Benghazi and voter fraud) along with Romney not playing to the base-your point about how many conservatives stayed home is correct, it in the Millennials vote,not the independents.The left has now has a big problem in losing them as they have aged and suffered from a poor job market,obamacare,high levels of student loan debt to name just a few.

From Pew reasearch

" The Millennials will have encouragement in that direction as they face “higher levels of student loan debt, poverty, unemployment and lower levels of wealth and personal income than their two immediate predecessor generations (Gen Xers and Boomers).” The continuing recession is especially hard on Millennials, who came of age expecting to be ushered into the good life enjoyed by their television-celebrity role models just when the economy tanked and good jobs dried up. They are the ones upon whose backs the financial burdens of ObamaCare rest."

Hillary For Prison 2018