Very interesting article Jim. Once again, we see something nefarious being done to the taxpaying public, and cloaked behind a fake, manufactured environmental "crisis".

Judge Pirro could have pretended to be civil and called Harry Reid "Senator". Instead, she accurately now calls him "Dirty Harry", and calls attention to his lies, suspicious wealth accumulation, and dirty dealings with Chinese associates. The Progressives who advance these sneaky schemes would like nothing more than to hide comfortably behind a "civil" discussion which is soon swept under the rug.

I wonder how much hunting and fishing will be permitted to outdoorsmen who have land stolen from the public and transferred to Chinese businessmen for the personal enrichment of Harry Reid and his family? I wonder how a lame and civil discussion illuminates all this and gets him removed from office?

I wonder where our resident Libtards are when this kind of news surfaces?

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.