Originally Posted By: rocky mtn bill
....What we can clearly see anywhere we choose to look is that somebody is perfectly willing to do anything to make big bucks. Big bucks speak more loudly than we do. Jimmy Carter was ridiculed for asking the country to face up to it's energy appetite. No one since has had the gumption to face the facts.

With a stoke of the pen, good, bad or indifferent, G.Dubya mandated 10% ethanol in pump gas. That might arguably be the single most significant bite into petroleum based fuel consumption, ever. President Bush was not ridiculed for that, he was pc acceptably ridiculed for every thing.

Another mention problem was population size. Is there an answer, and who has it. Current philosophy, free prophylactics and abortions.

If we're considering public land access and hunting, among other things that touch every corner of life, I noticed a quick news tidbit this morning. Four out of the top five years for most added regulations on the country have been by this current fellow.

Sure maybe he bought his way in, but there's gotta be someone out there that actually went into a booth and punched the ballot. I don't think it can be brushed off as 'they all do it'. I already know the Bush was a big spender line, and the bash Regan lines, and the read my lips line, but I don't believe any past or perspective R has the fortitude to take and waste at this pace.

I wonder if there was a big sigh of relief when the belittle Romney campaign got traction. It must have been frightening to some that a successful businessman might have been influencing policy.