The US is still a net importer of oil. Some of that money we were sending to Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iraq, is staying here.

The drilling rights are auctioned off and the US treasury receives the money.

Gasoline prices would be higher if there was less oil available here.

Drilling jobs, pipeline jobs, refining jobs, and cheap energy are beneficial to US citizens. They are also beneficial to the treasuries of the US' and several state governemnts' treasuries.

Natural gas prices are way way down. That is beneficial to US manufacturers and their employees. It is beneficial to those that heat their homes and businesses with natural gas.

I doubt that those areas you photographed were representative of more than a small percentage of the area of the Bakken.

The BS put out about the benefits and costs of solar and windpower is still BS, no matter anyone's "die-hard" status.

The oil companies make lots of money and support politicians that vote their way. Same way the railroads did in the 1800s, the New York Banks did for the last thirty years. And the same way the next big thing will when they make the money.

Last edited by AmarilloMike; 04/27/14 06:22 PM.

I am glad to be here.