I an another case of the media and its hypocrisy on racism.

Bundy vs Shabazz

"All was quiet on the mainstream media front back in 2012 when New Black Panther Party national field Marshal King Samir Shabazz in very explicit terms called for black Americans to form an army and murder white people. The clear threats and hate speech were ignored."

Too bad Bundy isn’t a black leftist; he could have threatened to firebomb white cracker babies without a peep from the leftist press.

Shabazz sounding off on August 13,2012 in an online broadcast:

you’re going to have to kill some of these babies, just born three sec­onds ago. You’re going to have to go into the God damn nurs­ery and just throw a damn bomb in the damn nurs­ery and just kill every­thing white in sight that ain’t right.

We gonna need preach­ers going into the cracker churches throw­ing hand grenades on early Sun­day morn­ing when the cracker got his hands up, ‘please white Jesus!’ Well we gonna throw a bomb in that God damn church, burn up the cracker, burn up the cracker Jesus, and burn up some cracker white supremacy.”

…drag some of these god damn rusty dusty ass crack­ers out of their homes, skin their asses alive, hang their asses up by some damn rope in some trees, drag them up and down the streets by God damn trucks, sick the pit bulls on them, pour acid on their asses, dump them in a God damn river, bring them back up, bust them in the head with a rock.

Hillary For Prison 2018