"Jim, you provided the definition, not me. No. 3 makes no gender distinction. No. 3 said of eligible age for military service. Any discrimination against age is in your common definition, nothing to do with me. "

I guess you are at the point where you'll try to lie right here in public. I provided you with THREE definitions and said take you pick. You're the one that was nitpicking here and if you think age or sex discrimination are as you indicated above allowable then please defend your point. Personally I think the woman's libbers and AARP representatives are going to eat you for lunch but that's the choice you've made.
From what I see you have now exposed yourself not only as a Libtard anti-gun person but a closet anti-woman's rights individual as well. Wow! It's hard to believe one individual could have this many varied and contradictory prejudices! I guess it takes many years and a muddled brain to get to this point!

Last edited by italiansxs; 04/15/14 11:07 PM.

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.