Keith, we must be agreeing on all but terminology because as I read your latest post, I'm saying "yup, yup, yup" as I read through.

My point is that because the Supremes are people, and because those individuals change over time, and because they are appointed by different Presidents of differing political persuasions, their interpretations must change over time. That is the way of humans.

I'm not saying I like it, or that I want it, or that it's good. Just that it's what happens. And so, given that, I consider the document to be "living".....subject to interpretation over time.

I completely agree that the current aims of the liberal Left include dismantling the individualism and self reliance that has been a hallmark of successful America. And that you are right to struggle against that. And that it is a devious foe that operates in the long term.

The Left wraps itself in a blanket of altruism yet the facts belie that selflessness. It is the Left that is selfish, that is concerned with power for power's sake. It is the Left that is the greatest threat to freedom in the US and around the world. I have never thought otherwise.

The world cries out for such: he is needed & needed badly- the man who can carry a message to Garcia