Stan and Canvasback, it is hard to know what King believes or does not believe, because he is all over the map, and will say anything whether it's true or not in order to make a point. Here's our Athiest, from a recent thread, once again using Christ's name in order to try to guilt Jim into accepting his ridiculous Socialist position.

Originally Posted By: King Brown
Ah, Jim, your post has been hanging there all morning so I had to take a shot. As a devout Christian, why do you harp on the "thieving poor"? You know and teach Christ's injunctions to love and comfort the afflicted. Wall Street traders are stealing surpassingly more every day from American investors with high frequency trading than what goes to the deserving poor.

In the recent "Arming the Iranians" thread, we were treated to seeing King really open up and reveal just how much he disagrees with our 2nd Amendment and how he looks at gun ownership in the U.S.

It is just hard to not question the motives of a man who claims to be a gun guy, yet has done absolutely nothing to advance the cause of Gun Rights in his own country... and who spends literally hundreds of hours attempting to LULL U.S. gun owners into a sense of complacency, and to advance a strategy of proven abject failure in dealing with the anti-gun threat.

There have been numerous infringments upon the 2nd Amendment. There are new threats all the time. In almost every instance, this is directly traceable to Liberal Democrats who were elected by folks just like King. And this situation in Bunkerville Nevada is also traceable to Liberal Democrats also elected by folks like King. One of them, Harry Reid, has vowed that the BLM agents will return. Somewhere in Nova Scotia, I'll bet a certain Athiest is lighting a candle and praying that the rancher and his supporters lose the fight.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.