Originally Posted By: keith
Originally Posted By: King Brown
The story touches on the ambivalence of right and wrongs of both sides, and said the standoff was only another "trampling" incursion on Second Amendment endemic across the country (which I have mentioned here many times in spite of notions of inalienable rights).

King, are you really that stupid? We were granted an "Inalienable Right" to self defense by God which was enumerated in our Constitution as the right to keep and bear arms. No one said there have not been incursions on these rights. We talk about them all the time.

You Canadians had that same right to self defense also given by God, but you didn't place it in your Constitution. The results are obvious. No Canadian Supreme Court will affirm such a right because it does not exist, so you will feed upon the crumbs your politicians drop for you. The fickle whims of the winds of change will create your destiny as to what class of guns you may own.

Wherever we find these incursions on our 2nd Amendment, we find folks just like you. They are caused by folks just like you. They are made into laws by Liberal Democrat politicians who were elected to office by folks just like you.

You are no help to us or our 2nd Amendment. You are the problem we face every day. You LULL and lie and promote complacency among gun owners which leads to more incursions and more erosions of our rights. You ignore the facts about firearms ownership, and you totally ignore who and what group has been the most irresponsible with firearms. Hint, it ain't Mormons or Japanese students who are doing drive-bys and gang initiation killings. But your lips are sealed when it comes to reporting which ethnic group, per capita, is most responsible for violent crime.

Now, once again, please tell us what you personally have done to advance the cause of Gun Rights in Canada. Proof please!

And tell us why you expend so much time and effort here using our First Amendment in order to weaken our Second Amendment.

Here it is again King... in case you missed it. Hahaha!

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.