Originally Posted By: AmarilloMike
I knew I was old when:

I picked "Doc Martin" while "Eyes Wide Shut" was on.

it didn't irritate me when my shooting student Joe Wood would want to hunt just half of a day.

my wife hinted that my non-compliance with her wishes might affect my sex life and I didn't give really give a damn.

I noticed I felt pity for my 32 year old son because he was juggling social life, hobbies, career ambitions, work and love life. Watching him just makes me sad for him.

the only emotion I felt when my testosterone level had obviously dropped was relief.
" How well I remember the aged poet Sophocles, when in answer to the question, How does love suit with age, Sophocles---Are you still the man you were? Peace, he replied; most gladly have I escaped the thing of which you speak; I feel as if I had escaped from a mad and furious master."
-from The Republic, Plato