Thank you David. I'll watch that thread.

Craig: I'll be checking the other empties today.

Off to volunteer at Under One Woof, a satellite Maricopa Co. Animal Control adoption shelter, then will start measuring all the edges.
MCAC is the second busiest animal control in the country; LA Co. is first. The kill rate is about 40% and some days 150 animals go through intake. When the economy crashed, 'migrant' families left in the middle of the night leaving their dogs INSIDE apts. and rental houses, or just turned them out. Some neighborhoods are running with Chihuahuas and Pit mixes (which BTW are the sweetest dogs in the shelter).
Just yesterday a guy was arrested for neglect of his horses
Sherriff Joe has a very active and aggressive animal abuse unit and rehab facility. Dog and cock fighting remains a terrible problem out here.
Sorry for the OT rant but child and animal abuse REALLY gets me going. Some live-in on meth beats his girlfriend's child to death at least once a month out here.

Anyway - talked again to the shooter, and his recollection is that all the previous rounds, and specifically the previous high 7 incomer shot with the left barrel, felt and sounded normal. He thinks the gun remained locked up after the blow out but will check with his squad mates as to who first picked up the gun.

Last edited by Drew Hause; 02/06/14 11:46 AM.